
Showing posts from May, 2017

Good marriages are earned by experience, not found with glass slippers.

In a talk called “Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Celestial Marriage” by Bruce A. Chadwick, he gave 5 suggestions to assist in establishing & strengthening a marriage. 1-       For all Cinderellas and Prince Charmings to throw away their glass slippers . The Lord’s plan is to find a right one rather than the one. Usually Heavenly Father says, “You pick one you like who is worthy, and I will give you my blessing.” There are actually many whose foot will nicely fit within the glass slipper. 2-       Don’t wait for others to carry your glass slipper about the campus looking for a match . “If I marry the right person, we will live happily ever after,” fails to prepare couple for married life. People will start to think “I married the wrong person because I am not happy ever after.” Strong marriages emerge out of helping each other overcome problems as a team-helping and supporting each other along the way- are what produce a hap...

What is gender?

What is gender? Back in the day, “gender” was a polite way to say “which sex are you?” The definition of gender  we grew up knowing has been altered and changed within the past couple of years. Men and women were all created differently and were given different roles. This lists some of the different skillsets that were talked about in a documentary.   Women: Fine motor skills Focus on their feelings or others feelings See things in relation to others Attention to small details Nurturing Interactive Cooperative Able to be aware of many things at the same time Able to read verbal & non-verbal cues Men: Gross motor skills Special orientation Competitive Tasks Upper body strength Better at math Problem solving Startle response Aggression Take things at face value No matter if you are a straight, gay or lesbian couple, I feel like each person in the couple share different qualities that make their companionship balance. It see...

Traditions are "inherited patterns of belief or behavior"

On my mission, my companion and I met a family who had just crossed the border one week prior. They had packed up the back of their truck with Rubbermaid tubs with their clothing and had to leave the rest of it behind in their house. They couldn’t bring everything because that would make it too suspicious. It is so sad that all of their family pictures, books had to be left behind. A month later their son had to cross by himself. He wasn’t able to bring anything with him as he crossed. He had to wear his shirts on top of each other without looking too suspicious. He literally left everything behind besides three t-shirts. As we taught this family, the father had a really hard time with the Word of Wisdom. Growing up in mexico, his family was very poor. When he was a baby, formula was too expensive and so his parents fed him coffee in his bottles. And so he had been drinking it for his entire life and did not want to give it up! As he was trying to overcome this trial, it was ver...


“It helps children to see that good parents can have differing opinions and that these differences can be worked out without striking, yelling, or throwing things. They need to see and feel CALM COMMUNICATION with RESPECT for each other’s viewpoints so they themselves will know how to work through differences in their own lives.” Robert D. Hales For the past couple of months I have really started to understand the art of communication. I have come to realize that it is very important to communicate what you are feeling with others. I have been dating someone for 5 months now, and I have had to change the way I communicate and notice how I do certain things. I loved learning about the “Symbolic Interaction Theory” in class because symbols don’t mean the same thing to others as they do to you. Our families are very different and we all grew up differently. Genders have a different language. Couples have to create a language together. Miscommunication of gestures and words can be a...