Good marriages are earned by experience, not found with glass slippers.
In a talk called “Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Celestial Marriage” by Bruce A. Chadwick, he gave 5 suggestions to assist in establishing & strengthening a marriage. 1- For all Cinderellas and Prince Charmings to throw away their glass slippers . The Lord’s plan is to find a right one rather than the one. Usually Heavenly Father says, “You pick one you like who is worthy, and I will give you my blessing.” There are actually many whose foot will nicely fit within the glass slipper. 2- Don’t wait for others to carry your glass slipper about the campus looking for a match . “If I marry the right person, we will live happily ever after,” fails to prepare couple for married life. People will start to think “I married the wrong person because I am not happy ever after.” Strong marriages emerge out of helping each other overcome problems as a team-helping and supporting each other along the way- are what produce a hap...