"There are angels among us"

“Family life is the best method for achieving happiness in this world, and it is a clear pattern given to us from the Lord about what is to be in the next world.” Spencer W. Kimball

I cannot believe that people actually thought there were too many people for this world and that we need to stop it for future generations to come. How sad that that thinking has changed dramatically a couple decades later. It is so sad to think that many people in the world are so selfish and only want to think about “me”, instead of getting married and moving onto that next step in life.

Growing up I knew this couple who lived in my neighborhood. They were great friends with my parents and we always called them “Uncle Bob and Aunt Julie.” Come to find out, they weren’t actually family. They got married in their thirties and just focused on traveling and their jobs. They always said that “they would never have kids!” They wanted to do their own thing and not be dragged down by other things. When Aunt Julie was in her high thirties or even forties, she got pregnant! Their baby girl was so cute and they were infatuated by her. She was there everything! Their house went from having wine and adult materials, to having everything in the house baby proofed. Uncle Bob and Aunt Julie have two daughters now and I really wonder if they regret starting so late. And if they feel like they missed out having a family years earlier.

A couple of months ago I saw a commercial ad that a European Country had made that was promoting sex and having children. They know they are in need for a bigger population and are starting to think outside the box and promote it in anyway. It is a scary thought to think about what the future will be for us in our older years. Will we have Social Security? Will we be able to retire around the same age and they do now?

“A popular song includes the words, ‘There are angels among us.’ These angels are quite frequently the precious little ones God, our Father, has entrusted to our earthly care. To them may we teach prayer, inspire faith, live truth, and honor God. Then we shall have heavenly homes and forever families.” Thomas S. Monson


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